

  • 類  別:新理念英語系列
  • 書  名:新理念交互英語教師用書2
  • 主  編:邱立中 房思金 項 導(dǎo)
  • 定  價:暫無定價
  • 開  本:大16開
  • 時  間:2015年5月
  • 出  版  社:北京郵電大學(xué)出版社
  • 書  號:



  《教師用書》各單元篇首頁給出了各部分的的教學(xué)目標(biāo)(Objectives),供教師參考。第一單元后附有各部分的教學(xué)建議,可供教師參考。Wake Up Your Ears(聽力訓(xùn)練)部分增加了聽力腳本和習(xí)題的參考答案。Enrich Your Mind(閱讀)部分增加了課文的背景知識介紹、結(jié)構(gòu)分析和譯文,并為生詞和短語補充了例句,為課文后的習(xí)題提供了參考答案。Keep Your Feet on the Ground(語法)和Try Your Hands(寫作)部分增加了習(xí)題的參考答案。




Unit 1 Fashion and Culture
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Weather and Climate
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Matching
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—British Pubs
Text B—Bargain Is the New Trend
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Attributive Clause I
Section E Try Your Hands
Letter of Invitation & Reply
Section F Lighten Your Brain
An English Song—We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
A Funny Story—Present for Girlfriend

Unit 2 Business
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Dining out
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Auction
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—What Makes a Good Businessman
Text B—Negotiations
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Attributive Clause II
Section E Try Your Hands
Business Letter
Section F Lighten Your Brain
An English Song—If Everyone Cared
A Funny Story—Midway Tactics

Unit 3 Success
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Having a Party
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Matching
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—The Queen of Talk Shows
Text B—Phelps the Phenomenon
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
The Infinitive & The Gerund
Section E Try Your Hands
Letter of Inquiry
Section F Lighten Your Brain
A Film Clip—The Pursuit of Happiness
A Funny Story—The Doctor Lives Downstairs

Unit 4 Life Attitude
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Seeing a Doctor
Section B Open Your Mouth
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—A Boy and His Apple Tree
Text B—One Man’s Efforts: Result of Perseverance
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
The Participle
Section E Try Your Hands
Letter of Apology
Section F Lighten Your Brain
A Film Clip—Little Miss Sunshine
A Funny Story—Five Months Older

Unit 5 Music
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Making a Reservation
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Matching
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—Americans’ Taste for Music
Text B—Why Music Matters
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Subject-verb Concord
Section E Try Your Hands
Letter of Complaint
Section F Lighten Your Brain
An English Song—When You Believe
A Funny Story—Which Woman

Unit 6 Future
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Sightseeing & Touring
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Matching
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—Future World
Text B—Your Digital Footprint
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Emphatic Patterns
Section E Try Your Hands
Company Introduction
Section F Lighten Your Brain
A Film Clip—Prometheus
A Funny Story—Asking the Way

Unit 7 Love
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Going Shopping
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Matching
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—Chinese Double Seventh Festival
Text B—Valentine’s Day
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Subjunctive Mood
Section E Try Your Hands
Personal Letter
Section F Lighten Your Brain
An English Song—Love Is
A Funny Story—Be Careful What You Wish for

Unit 8 Economy
Section A Wake Up Your Ears
Section B Open Your Mouth
Activity A—Matching
Activity B—Discussion
Section C Enrich Your Mind
Text A—Asia’s Recovery Highlights China’s Superiority
Text B—China as an Innovator, Not Just an Imitator
Section D Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Section E Try Your Hands
Letter of Resignation
Section F Lighten Your Brain
A Film Clip—Iron Lady
A Funny Story—Gardening Gloves


  • 新理念交互英語教程1(第2版)教師用書

    主編:楊林生 章寧 房思金 王曉艷


  • 新理念交互英語教師用書1

    主編:邱立中 章 寧 王曉艷


  • 新理念交互英語教程2(第2版)教師用書

    主編:楊林生 章寧 項導(dǎo) 王曉艷


  • 新理念交互英語教師用書3

    主編:邱立中 王曉艷 章寧

