

  • 類(lèi)  別:新理念英語(yǔ)系列
  • 書(shū)  名:新理念交互英語(yǔ)教師用書(shū)3
  • 主  編:邱立中 王曉艷 章寧
  • 定  價(jià):暫無(wú)定價(jià)
  • 開(kāi)  本:大16開(kāi)
  • 時(shí)  間:2016年11月
  • 出  版  社:北京郵電大學(xué)出版社
  • 書(shū)  號(hào):






  《教師用書(shū)》各單元篇首頁(yè)給出了各部分的的教學(xué)目標(biāo)(Objectives),供教師參考。第一單元后附有各部分的教學(xué)建議,可供教師參考。Wake Up Your Ears(聽(tīng)力訓(xùn)練)部分增加了聽(tīng)力腳本和習(xí)題的參考答案。Enrich Your Mind(閱讀)部分增加了課文的背景知識(shí)介紹、結(jié)構(gòu)分析和譯文,并為生詞和短語(yǔ)補(bǔ)充了例句,為課文后的習(xí)題提供了參考答案。Try Your Hands(寫(xiě)作)部分增加了習(xí)題的參考答案。





Unit One Education

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears  Studying Abroad

Section B  Open Your Mouth   Activity ADiscussion

                                                 Activity BMini-debate

Section C  Enrich Your Mind   Text A—Exam: the Poison of Education?

                             Text B—The SQ3R Method

Section D  Try Your Hands      Narration

Section E  Lighten Your Brain   An English Song—Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)

                             A Funny Story—My First and My Last


Unit Two Fitness

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears  Physical Training

Section B  Open Your Mouth   Activity AMatching

                                                 Activity BDiscussion

Section C  Enrich Your Mind    Text A—Current Attitudes Toward Physical Fitness

                             Text B—Refreshing Your Health and Mind by Yoga

Section D  Try Your Hands       Exposition

Section E  Lighten Your Brain    A Film Clip—Million Dollar Baby (excerpts)

                              A Funny Story—Losing weight



Unit Three Diet

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears   Food

Section B  Open Your Mouth   Activity—Discussion

Section C  Enrich Your Mind   Text A—A Carrot a Day May Keep Cancer Away

                             Text B—The Pitfalls of Eating Junk Food

Section D  Try Your Hands     Argumentation I

Section E  Lighten Your Brain   An English Song—For Your Babies

                              A Funny Story—A Musician Goes to the Doctor


Unit Four Mystery

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears  Environment

Section B  Open Your Mouth   Activity A—Matching

                                                 Activity BPresentation

Section C  Enrich Your Mind    Text A—The Loch Ness Monster

                            Text B—Bermuda Triangle—Devil’s Triangle

Section D  Try Your Hands      Argumentation II

Section E  Lighten Your Brain   A Film Clip—Pacific Rim (excerpts)

                              A Funny Story—Bug in the Hotel


Unit Five Computer and Life

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears  Surfing the Internet

Section B  Open Your Mouth   Activity AMatching

                                                 Activity BDiscussion

Section C  Enrich Your Mind   Text A—Twitter, E-mail, Texts: We Don’t Talk Any More

                            Text B—Is Radiation from your PC Hurting you?

Section D  Try Your Hands     Topic Sentence Composition

Section E Lighten Your Brain      An English Song—Just Give Me a Reason

                                 A Funny Story—The Best Parking Lot


Unit Six Enlightenment

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears  Music and Movie

Section B  Open Your Mouth    Activity AWatching Video

                                                 Activity BMini-speech

Section C  Enrich Your Mind   Text A—Follow Your Passion (excerpts)

                                Text B—Keep Your Dreams (excerpts)

Section D  Try Your Hands               Outline Composition

Section E Lighten Your Brain      A Film Clip—The King’s Speech (excerpts)

                                 A Funny Story—One Sale Today


Unit Seven Finance

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears   Stock Market

Section B  Open Your Mouth    ActivityDiscussion

Section C  Enrich Your Mind   Text A—Roaring in the Stock Market, Nike Beat Adidas in

the New Battlefield

                                Text B—How You Can Help Prevent the Next Lehman

Section D  Try Your Hands        Key Word Composition

Section E Lighten Your Brain      A Film Clip—Brave (excerpts)

                                 A Funny Story—Insurance Salesmen


Unit Eight Politics

Section A  Wake Up Your Ears  Festivals

Section B  Open Your Mouth    Activity AMatching

                                                 Activity BDiscussion

Section C  Enrich Your Mind   Text A—Office Politics

                                Text B—America Should Lead, Not Dominate

Section D  Try Your Hands        Graph Composition

Section E Lighten Your Brain      An English Song—Heal the World

                                 A Funny Story—Divisional Manager


  • 新理念交互英語(yǔ)教程1(第2版)教師用書(shū)

    主編:楊林生 章寧 房思金 王曉艷


  • 新理念交互英語(yǔ)教師用書(shū)1

    主編:邱立中 章 寧 王曉艷


  • 新理念交互英語(yǔ)教程2(第2版)教師用書(shū)

    主編:楊林生 章寧 項(xiàng)導(dǎo) 王曉艷


  • 新理念交互英語(yǔ)教師用書(shū)2

    主編:邱立中 房思金 項(xiàng) 導(dǎo)

